Group Benefits
As long as you have two eligible employees, we'll work with you! Our average client size is 20 employees, however, we have as small as 2 employees and as big as more than 250 employees.

We craft employee benefit programs to meet the needs of both the employer and its employees. There are a wide variety of coverages, plans, and cost structures that can be considered to provide value all-around.

Given the size of most of our clients, we're experts in the fully-insured marketplace. As time has gone on and carriers have come up with new programs, we've had many employers go the partially self-funded route. With the always-rising cost of health insurance, we're continually looking into all options for our clients to ensure they're providing the most cost-effective coverage available to their employees.
While many focus on medical insurance, ancillary benefits can be just as important. Families have never needed life insurance more, and it can be a very inexpensive benefit to provide. We work with a variety of carriers to also offer dental, vision, and disability insurance. Don't forget that these benefits can be employer-paid, employee-paid, or split based on a formula or defined contribution amount.

We have established relationships with both Aflac and Colonial Life, which both offer a variety of worksite products, such as accident, cancer, critical illness, and more. Some of the traditional carriers also offer these benefits, such as Mutual of Omaha, The Hartford, and The Standard. These benefits are typically offered on an employee-paid basis, however, more and more employers are providing a defined contribution amount toward them.
Additional Options
We work with several vendors to offer non-traditional benefit options, including Flexible Spending Account (FSA) programs. We also partner with defend-id, which offers identity theft protection options that can be paid for by the employer or the employee either on a direct basis or through CBIA Health Connections.